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International Сooperation Office

Step-by-step Guide for the Incoming Students


Step 1: Nomination

Nomination required

NPDU requires that you are nominated by your home university before you can apply for exchange. Contact the exchange coordinator at your home university for information on how to be nominated and information about grant and scholarship opportunities.

Please note that we do not accept freemovers. 


Step 2. Application to Receiving Institutions

The deadlines for your application are:

May, 29th for the first/winter semester

November, 30th for the second/summer semester

Once the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University  has received an official nomination from a Partner University, prospective Erasmus student will receive an e-mail with application instructions.

After being nominated by a Partner University each student is asked to send signed and stamped documents such as:

1.) Application Form

2.) Learning Agreement for studies
3) Transcript of Records - for bachelor's students; Bachelor's Degree + Transcript of Records - for master's students; Master's Degree + Transcript of Records - for PhD students;
4) English or Ukrainian language proficiency 
5) Scan of personal ID or passport;

6.) Scanned the health insurance card (insurance, that is valid in Ukraine)

via e-mail at the address: foreign@npu.edu.ua.

All the documents mentioned above are a mandatory requirement for the enrolment at the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University!

  • ●If you are applying to come to the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, you also need to check the courses and submit a Learning Agreement form. It should be completed with the help of the Erasmus Coordinator at your home institution. The purpose of the Learning Agreement is to provide a transparent and efficient preparation of the exchange to make sure the student receives recognition for the activities successfully completed abroad. This covers all aspects of the programme of study and ECTS credits to be awarded on satisfactory completion, committing both home and host institutions, as well as the student. The courses given at our University are mainly taught in Ukraine but we also offer many courses in foreign languages (https://npu.edu.ua/en/courses-in-english).

Learning Agreement for Studies learning-agreement-studies_en.doc 

Step 3. Student visa preparation

The invitation letter will be ready in several days. The International cooperation office will send you a copy via email. When you receive it, you should to contact the Embassy of Ukraine in your country to get the visa.

When you get visa and buy a ticket, contact International Cooperation Office via email (foreign@npu.edu.ua) to inform arrival details. 

After successful completing their period of studies at the NPDU non-degree students will receive an academic transcript (in Ukrainian, with English translation).

Grade book

Additional information

You can get to know more about Ukraine and Kiev from the survival guide for incoming student prepared by Erasmus student network Kiev http://esnkyiv.org/survival-guide

Cost of living in Ukraine https://studyinukraine.gov.ua/en/life-in-ukraine/cost-of-living/


NPDU provides the 2-bed or 3-bed rooms for all incoming students. Monthly payment is about 2000 UAH.

Please note, that being a student in Ukraine for more than 90 days you must have the residence permit. NPDU provides the registration in the dormitory.

Contact person:

Marta Konovalova

Specialist of International Cooperation Office

9 Pyrohova St

Room 135


Buddy System by Erasmus students Network Kyiv 

Moving to a new city where you know no one can seem scary but we have a solution. Getting a buddy it is! 

Who is a buddy?

A buddy is a local student who knows the city, the university and can share plenty of lifehacks to make your life in Kyiv a little less confusing at the very beginning. A buddy is your first contact, your navigator or translator when needed, and of course, your friend.

How can I get a buddy?  

ESN Kyiv uses a Papaya matching system to assign buddies to exchange students. All you need to do is register and wait!

Here are the steps:

Go to https://papaya.iter-idea.com.

Register with your Facebook account. 

Fill out your personal data and make sure to correctly mention your university and faculty.

After that, go back to Papaya home page, click on Buddy System and subscribe to a project.

Wait for Papaya and ESN Kyiv to do their magic!

  1. Please note that when choosing languages you speak, there's no option to choose Ukrainian. However, we guarantee that every local student who's on Papaya Buddy System is a native speaker of Ukrainian.

You can also use Papaya apps:

iOS app (App Store): http://bit.ly/papayaESNiOS

Android app (Play Store): http://bit.ly/papayaESNandroid

How do I contact my buddy?

You don't. Your buddy will contact you first, it's that simple! However, if something goes wrong and you don't get contacted, make sure to send us an email to ukraine@esn.org and we'll find a solution.

Current information about grants for students, graduates and staff



Academic mobility opportunities

As part of the Erasmus + KA1 project. Academic mobility of the MP Dragomanov NPU in the 2020-2021 academic year was given the opportunity to organize international credit mobility by exchanging with the following foreign higher education institutions:

  1. Evangelische Theologische University (Belgium)
  2. Universitaet Koblenz-Landau (Germany)
  3. Uniwersytet Kardynala Stefana Wyszynskiego w Warszawie (Poland)
  4. Panstwowa Wyzsza Szkola Zawodowa w Plocku (Poland)
  5. Universitatea de Stiinte Agricole si medicina veterinara a Banatului regele mihai i al Romaniei din Timisoara (Romania)
  6. Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara (Romania)
  7. Kujawy and Pomorze University in Bydgoszcz (Poland)
  8. Pedagogical University of Krakow (Poland)
  9. Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Timisoara ((Romania)
  10. University of Rome La Sapienza (Italy)
  11. Preschool Teacher Training College Mihailo Palov (Serbia)
  12. Open University of Cyprus
  13. Bartın University (Turkey)
  14. Karabuk University (Turkey)

For more information on academic mobility competitions for teachers and students, check out the International Cooperation Office FB page (https://www.facebook.com/PedagogicalDragomanovUniversityInternationalOffice/)

About ESN Kyiv

What is ESN Kyiv?

ESN Kyiv is a non-profit organisation aiming at helping international students that come to study in Kyiv. Our mission is to represent international students, thus provide opportunities for cultural understanding and self-development under the principle of Students Helping Students.

ESN Kyiv became an official member of Erasmus Student Network June 2nd, 2019. But we celebrate our birthday on September 23rd, as on this day in 2018 we were registered as a candidate section. ESN Kyiv originally started taking care of the international students of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Who are we?

Currently, we are a section of 30 members. A lot of us are students, some are recent graduates, but we all are active and inspired volunteers. Many of us take part in different international projects, are members of other youth organisations, or even lead our own initiatives. You can learn more about our team here.

ESN Kyiv has a certain structure that helps us ensure we cover all the aspects of the international students' stay in the city. Our section consists of departments of Communication, Events, Partnerships, and Education.

What do we do?

We strive to make international students' stay in Kyiv the most amazing time of their life. ESN Kyiv consists of multiple departments that work together to provide international students with quality cultural events, give them educational support where needed or simply be there for them. Learn more about our events here.

How to take part in ESN Kyiv events?

There are no special requirements one has to follow to attend our events, they are absolutely open to any and every student (exchange, international or local). You can check the list of upcoming events here. Follow us on social media to be regularly updated - we have Facebook and Instagram. See you!

How to join ESN Kyiv?

We are always happy to welcome new members in our section. It doesn't matter whether you are an international living in Kyiv or a Ukrainian. If you're active and energetic like us, be sure to learn more and become one of the members of ESN Kyiv!

Erasmus Student Network Kyiv